Cystouretero w/renal strict

Cystourethroscopy with ureteroscopy; with treatment of intra-renal stricture (eg, balloon dilation, laser, electrocautery, and incision)

Cost distribution

Cystouretero w/renal strict

Cheapest hospitals

Hospital/Provider Provider type Avg amount paid Avg amount requested
Mantu Gupta (M.D., male)
425 W 59TH ST, 3RD FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10019
Urology $207.69 $558.91 (x2.7)
Jeffery R Gamber (DO, male)
19841 N 27TH AVE, SUITE 201, PHOENIX, AZ 85027
Urology $276.64 $963.58 (x3.5)
David L Gould (M.D., male)
1420 8TH AVE, SUITE 101, FORT WORTH, TX 76104
Urology $307.22 $835.00 (x2.7)

Average payments by state (low to high)

State Avg amount paid Avg amount requested
NY $207.69 $558.91 (x2.7)
AZ $276.64 $963.58 (x3.5)
TX $307.22 $835.00 (x2.7)