Drainage of abdomen
Cost distribution

Cheapest hospitals
Hospital/Provider | Provider type | Avg amount paid | Avg amount requested |
G Wayne (D.O., male)
170 W 12TH ST, CRONIN 454, NEW YORK, NY 10011 |
General Surgery | $1,211.79 | $14,957.80 (x12.3) |
A Benavides (MD, male)
5505 S EXPRESSWAY 77, SUITE 301, HARLINGEN, TX 78550 |
General Surgery | $1,340.25 | $4,541.00 (x3.4) |
A Fairweather (MD, male)
1140 WESTMONT DR, SUITE 520, HOUSTON, TX 77015 |
General Surgery | $1,463.98 | $2,000.00 (x1.4) |
Average payments by state (low to high)
State | Avg amount paid | Avg amount requested |
NY | $1,211.79 | $14,957.80 (x12.3) |
TX | $1,402.12 | $3,270.50 (x2.3) |