Njx platelet plasma
Cost distribution

Cheapest hospitals
Hospital/Provider | Provider type | Avg amount paid | Avg amount requested |
Foot And Ankle Surgery Facility, Ltd (, female)
1455 E GOLF RD, DES PLAINES, IL 60016 |
Ambulatory Surgical Center | $21.72 | $500.00 (x23.0) |
P Codd (MD, male)
8322 BELLONA AVE, TOWSON, MD 21204 |
Orthopedic Surgery | $36.00 | $400.00 (x11.1) |
M Thomas (M.D., male)
1160 VARNUM ST NE, 312, WASHINGTON, DC 20017 |
Orthopedic Surgery | $36.00 | $112.50 (x3.1) |
Average payments by state (low to high)
State | Avg amount paid | Avg amount requested |
IL | $21.72 | $500.00 (x23.0) |
DC | $36.00 | $112.50 (x3.1) |
MD | $36.00 | $400.00 (x11.1) |