Partial removal tear gland
Cost distribution

Cheapest hospitals
Hospital/Provider | Provider type | Avg amount paid | Avg amount requested |
Center For Aesthetic And Reconstructive Eyelid And Orbital Surgery (, female)
3705 MEDICAL PKWY, SUITE 120, AUSTIN, TX 78705 |
Ambulatory Surgical Center | $657.16 | $1,500.00 (x2.3) |
R Shepler (M.D., male)
3705 MEDICAL PKWY, SUITE 120, AUSTIN, TX 78705 |
Ophthalmology | $670.94 | $1,196.15 (x1.8) |
Average payments by state (low to high)
State | Avg amount paid | Avg amount requested |
TX | $664.05 | $1,348.08 (x2.0) |