Resect apical lung tum/chest

Resection of apical lung tumor (eg, Pancoast tumor), including chest wall resection, rib(s) resection(s), neurovascular dissection, when performed; with chest wall reconstruction

▼ Cost distribution

Resect apical lung tum/chest

▼ Cheapest hospitals

Hospital/Provider Provider type Avg amount paid Avg amount requested
Ara S Klijian (M.D., male)
3131 BERGER AVE, SUITE# 250, SAN DIEGO, CA 92123
Thoracic Surgery $1,473.56 $7,416.17 (x5.0)

▼ Average payments by state (low to high)

State Avg amount paid Avg amount requested
CA $1,473.56 $7,416.17 (x5.0)