Resect/excise cranial lesion

Resection or excision of neoplastic, vascular or infectious lesion of base of anterior cranial fossa; intradural, including dural repair, with or without graft

Cost distribution

Resect/excise cranial lesion

Cheapest hospitals

Hospital/Provider Provider type Avg amount paid Avg amount requested
Robert F Spetzler (MD, male)
2910 N 3RD AVE, PHOENIX, AZ 85013
Neurosurgery $928.28 $7,980.00 (x8.6)
Theodore Schwartz (M.D., male)
525 EAST 68TH SST., ST 626 BOX/99, NEW YORK, NY 10022
Neurosurgery $1,097.54 $34,202.50 (x31.2)

Average payments by state (low to high)

State Avg amount paid Avg amount requested
AZ $928.28 $7,980.00 (x8.6)
NY $1,097.54 $34,202.50 (x31.2)