Bone/skin graft microvasc

Free osteocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis; other than iliac crest, metatarsal, or great toe

Cost distribution

Bone/skin graft microvasc

Cheapest hospitals

Hospital/Provider Provider type Avg amount paid Avg amount requested
Vishad Nabili (M.D., male)
10833 LE CONTE AVE, RM 62-132 CHS, LOS ANGELES, CA 90095
Otolaryngology $822.73 $7,318.06 (x8.9)
Eben L Rosenthal (MD, male)
619 19TH ST S, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35249
Otolaryngology $2,056.46 $11,757.20 (x5.7)
Keith E Blackwell (MD, male)
200 MEDICAL PLZ, #550, LOS ANGELES, CA 90095
Otolaryngology $2,251.30 $16,543.10 (x7.3)

Average payments by state (low to high)

State Avg amount paid Avg amount requested
CA $1,537.02 $11,930.58 (x7.8)
AL $2,056.46 $11,757.20 (x5.7)