Most common procedures
- Antinuclear antibodies (ANA)
- Lung perfusion imaging
- Wound prep f/n/hf/g
- Repair brow defect
- Probe nasolacrimal duct
- N block cont infuse b plex
- Assay of erythropoietin
- Insitu hybridization auto
- Assay of progesterone
- Assess cyst contrast inject
- Analyze neurostim no prog
- Tc99m mebrofenin
- Exhaled nitric oxide meas
- EEG monitoring/computer
- Implt neurostim elctr each
- Exc tr-ext mal+marg > 4 cm
- Endoscopy maxillary sinus
- Dehydroepiandrosterone
- Clostridium ag eia
- Repair biceps tendon
- Urinary reflex study
- Treat vagina infection
- Eeg over 1 hour
- Inj perflutren lip micros,ml
- Analyze neurostim brain/1h
- Exc s/n/h/f/g mal+mrg 2.1-3
- Clear outer ear canal
- Assay of lithium
- Immunoassay tumor ca 19-9
- Alpha-fetoprotein serum
- Fluorescent antibody titer
- Posturography
- Place rt device/marker pros
- Hep b core antibody total
- Admin hepatitis b vaccine
- Explore parathyroid glands
- Immunoassay tumor qual
- Ova and parasites smears
- Partial removal collar bone
- Blood culture for bacteria
- Admin ecg contrast agent
- Acute hepatitis panel
- Tdap vaccine >7 im
- EKG interpret & report preve
- Injection for hip x-ray
- Na ferric gluconate complex
- Immunoassay quant nos nonab
- Vent mgmt inpat init day
- Levoleucovorin injection
- Establish access to artery
- Ht musc image planar mult
- Glaucoma provocative tests
- Mri angio abdom w orw/o dye
- Assay of ammonia
- Molecule isolate nucleic
- Inj dexamethasone acetate
- Additional spinal fusion
- 5% dextrose/normal saline
- Icg angiography
- Assay of methadone
- Strep a ag eia
- Correction of bunion
- Assay of amphetamines
- Implant hormone pellet(s)
- Rpr ventral hern init reduc
- Alteplase recombinant
- Pulmonary compliance study
- Revise/replace knee joint
- Cardiac mri for morph w/dye
- Ibandronate sodium injection
- Remove tendon sheath lesion
- Assay of thyroglobulin
- Tlh w/t/o 250 g or less
- Assay of phenobarbital
- Map tachycardia add-on
- Tib/per revasc w/ather
- Pulm stress test/complex
- Arthroscopy biceps tenodesis
- Assay blood carbon dioxide
- Assay of cocaine